Receipt of ABSTRACT by January 10th, 2025.
IMPORTANT! Deadline extended to 17 January 2025. |
Confirmation of acceptance of the abstract by the Scientific Committee by January 17th, 2025.
(For the second round of abstracts – those received between the 11th and the 17th of January – the deadline for acceptance will be the 20th of January).
Receipt of FULL TEXT by February 28th, 2025.
Final confirmation of acceptance of the communication by the Scientific Committee March 7th, 2025.
Both those registered in the on-site and virtual modalities may participate in the Congress by submitting and presenting papers.
Papers must be related to one of the eight scientific sessions.
Remember to register for the congress once your paper has been accepted.
STEP 1. Submit an ABSTRACT by January 10th, 2025.
Extension until 17 January 2025
The abstract or summary must consist of:
- Communication title.
- First and last name of authors.
- Institutional affiliation.
- Contact e-mail address.
- Abstract of 300 words.
- Keywords – maximum 5.
- Language: Valencian, Spanish or English.
On January 17th 2025 the Scientific Committee will inform by e-mail about the acceptance of the different proposals for papers for participation in the Congress that have been sent in the first batch (until 10th January).
On January 20th 2025, the Scientific Committee will inform by e-mail about the acceptance of the different proposals for papers for participation in the Congress that have been sent in the second batch (up to 17 January).
STEP 3. Receipt of the FULL TEXT OF THE COMMUNICATION. Deadline February 28th, 2025
- All accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings book with the corresponding ISBN.
- Maximum length 12 pages (including bibliography).
Information on the presentation format for writing the full text of the papers can be found in the documents:
- Of all the papers accepted for each Scientific Session, the Scientific Committee will communicate those that will be presented at the Congress by their authors and those that will be briefly referenced by the rapporteurs of each Scientific Session.
- All papers selected by the Scientific Committee will be published in the Proceedings Book with ISBN.
- In cases where the communication has more than one author, it is necessary to register all the persons in the Congress.
- Only a maximum of 2 papers per author will be accepted.
- A message can have a maximum of 5 authors.
- Oral communications will be presented in the corresponding scientific session in Spanish or English.
- The text of the communication submitted for publication in the proceedings will be presented in Spanish, Valencian or English.
The Scientific Committee will analyze the content of the paper and its compliance with the established requirements, and, if necessary, accept it for oral presentation and/or publication in the Proceedings of the Congress, which will be announced on March 7, 2025..
Papers may be rejected by the Scientific Committee if they do not correspond to the proposed title and content, if they do not make an original contribution or if their quality is not adequate, or, in short, if they do not contribute to the advancement of knowledge because they are merely a description of the state of the art or a simple recapitulation of already known topics. Particular attention will be paid to plagiarism and the indiscriminate use of artificial intelligence.
In any case, papers will be rejected if they exceed the maximum size: 12 pages in the format specified in the template, Times New Roman 12 font, single-spaced (including graphics, notes and references).
The papers selected for oral presentation during the Congress will be given ten minutes. The remaining papers selected for publication in the Proceedings will not be defended during the Congress, but will be presented by the Rapporteur in the form of a short summary.